For the Allegro Hand, Wonik Robotics offers a 90-day hardware warranty.

Wonik Robotics will cover the cost of parts and labor to repair any manufacturing defects during the 90-day defects liability period. The customer will be held responsible for any and all shipping costs.

During and after this defects liability period, Wonik Robotics will not be held responsible for damage due to neglect or misuse of the Allegro Hand hardware. Also, Wonik Robotics reserves the right not to repair modified hardware, including both mechanical and electronic components. The nature of any problem found in the Allegro Hand will be determined by Wonik Robotics upon inspection and the customer will be notified before repair.

Also, for one year, customers will receive free software updates for Allegro Hand Application Studio.

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Copyright & Trademark Notice
Allegro, the Allegro logo, RoboticsLab, the RoboticsLab logo, and all related files and documentation are Copyright ⓒ 2008-2020 Wonik Robotics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. RoboticsLab and Allegro are trademarks of Wonik Robotics. All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.

Wonik Robotics's Allegro Hand is based on licensed technology developed by the Humanoid Robot Hand research group at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH).

Any references to the BHand Library or the Allegro Hand Motion and/or Grasping Library refer to a library of humanoid robotic hand grasping algorithms and motions developed and published by KITECH researchers.
J.-H. Bae, S.-W. Park, D. Kim, M.-H. Baeg, and S.-R. Oh, "A Grasp Strategy with the Geometric Centroid of a Groped Object Shape Derived from Contact Spots," Proc. of the 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2012), pp. 3798-3804

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