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Allegro Hand is a low-cost and highly adaptive robotic hand.

With four fingers and sixteen independent current-controlled joints,
it's the perfect platform for grasp and manipulation research.

Learn more
Allegro Hand v4.0 has been released!
The new version embodies some great new improvements in technology and design. This hand is more reliable, easier to use and overall better looking!
Please email [robotics.biz@wonik.com] with any questions.

Allegro Hand v4.0 information.

Multiple sensing options are now available for the Allegro Hand!

A variety of fingertip sensors as well as an attitude and heading reference sensor
can now be purchased as add-ons to the hand.

Sensor Options

  • Questions? Comments? Concerns?

    WONIK ROBOTICS offers a 1-year hardware and software warranty along with fast and friendly technical support.
    If you have an issue, feel free to contact us.

Alert! Customer pages now require login credentials to access!
You or someone in your lab has recently been emailed a lab-wide username/password to be used when accessing the Allegro Hand information and downloads specific to you. If you have not received this email or you need it to be resent, please email [info@wonikrobotics.com]. Thanks.


EPFL - Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology
KIST - Korea Institute of Science and Technology
SKKU - Sungkyunkwan University
Nautilus Hyosung
KIMM - Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
Berlin Institute of Technology
Stanford University
Technical University of Catalonia
Pukyong National University
University of Alicante
Weiss Robotics
University of Siena
ISAN Solution
Microsoft Research
Technical University of Munich

University of Waseda
Bahcesehir University
Han Yang University
George Mason University
Opto Force
University of Utah
National Institute of Standards and Technology
University of Michigan-dearborn
University of Melbourne
Seoul National University
Istanbul Technical University
Rutgers The University of New Jersey
Moley robotics
Dongguk University
UC Berkeley
University of Lincoln
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Hyundai Motor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Toyota Research Institute
LG Electronics
South China University of Technology
Pusan National University
Imperial College London

Customers (with version <= 3.0)

Alert! Customer pages now require login credentials to access!
You or someone in your lab has recently been emailed a lab-wide username/password to be used when accessing the Allegro Hand information and downloads specific to you. If you have not received this email or you need it to be resent, please email [info@wonikrobotics.com]. Thanks.

Rock Paper Scissors

Sensor Options

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Copyright & Trademark Notice
Allegro, the Allegro logo, RoboticsLab, the RoboticsLab logo, and all related files and documentation are Copyright ⓒ 2008-2020 Wonik Robotics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. RoboticsLab and Allegro are trademarks of Wonik Robotics. All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.

Wonik Robotics's Allegro Hand is based on licensed technology developed by the Humanoid Robot Hand research group at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH).

Any references to the BHand Library or the Allegro Hand Motion and/or Grasping Library refer to a library of humanoid robotic hand grasping algorithms and motions developed and published by KITECH researchers.
J.-H. Bae, S.-W. Park, D. Kim, M.-H. Baeg, and S.-R. Oh, "A Grasp Strategy with the Geometric Centroid of a Groped Object Shape Derived from Contact Spots," Proc. of the 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2012), pp. 3798-3804

Wiki maintained by Sean Yi <seanyi@wonikrobotics.com>

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