
Serial Number: SAH020CL021 (Right)


Getting Started

More information is accessible using the navigation bar at the top of the page.

RoboticsLab Project

See the Allegro Hand RoboticsLab Project page for source code and documentation.

Visual Studio Project

Note: This software does not require RoboticsLab.

See the Allegro Hand MSVS Project page for source code and documentation.

Allegro Hand Application Studio (AHAS)

Allegro Hand Application Studio!

Below you can download your copy of Allegro Application Studio for your Allegro Hand.
Please refer to Allegro Application Studio (Installation) for installation instructions.

File:Allegro Hand Setup CL021 Weiss.zip

[[File:{{{2}}}]] (for AH v3.0)

Offsets and Directions

Note: These are the offsets and directions for your Allegro Hand

Last updated:
--Alex Alspach (talk) 16:13, 8 January 2014 (KST)

Finger Joint Encoder Offsets
Encoder Directions
Motor Directions
0 0 -227 + +
0 1 -67487 - +
0 2 1578 + +
0 3 1301 + +
1 0 948 + +
1 1 -65818 - -
1 2 1366 + -
1 3 -265 + +
2 0 -820 + -
2 1 -63396 - +
2 2 -244 + +
2 3 166 + +
3 0 469 + +
3 1 276 + +
3 2 -65167 - +
3 3 -67332 - +

Template:SAH020CL021 Offsets and Directions (ROS)


After installing, you must copy your hand-specific DML (device description) files to the proper directory of your AHAS installation. These files include motor directions and encoder offsets.

In the installation disk's root directory, locate the folder titled 'devices_SAH020*****'. Copy every file in this folder and replace the corresponding files in the AHAS devices directory.

DML files can be found here:

C:\Program Files\SimLab\Allegro Hand Application Studio\bin\models\Etc\ERHand\devices


File:NI-CAN DRIVER v274.zip

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Copyright & Trademark Notice
Allegro, the Allegro logo, RoboticsLab, the RoboticsLab logo, and all related files and documentation are Copyright ⓒ 2008-2020 Wonik Robotics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. RoboticsLab and Allegro are trademarks of Wonik Robotics. All other trademarks or registered trademarks mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.

Wonik Robotics's Allegro Hand is based on licensed technology developed by the Humanoid Robot Hand research group at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH).

Any references to the BHand Library or the Allegro Hand Motion and/or Grasping Library refer to a library of humanoid robotic hand grasping algorithms and motions developed and published by KITECH researchers.
J.-H. Bae, S.-W. Park, D. Kim, M.-H. Baeg, and S.-R. Oh, "A Grasp Strategy with the Geometric Centroid of a Groped Object Shape Derived from Contact Spots," Proc. of the 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2012), pp. 3798-3804

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